Humidifiers and Your Skin
You’ve probably heard of a humidifier when you’re trying to get rid of a cold. It’s a a very common treatment to clear the nostrils and get rid of some of the flue symptoms. What you probably didn’t know is that the benefits go beyond the common cold. That’s why we want to make sure […]
Thank Your Emotions For How Your Skin Looks
Our emotions run a lot of how we live our daily lives. Most of the time we don’t even have control over what emotion we’ll feel on a daily basis. There are some people that will spend a long time trying to figure out how to control their emotions and reactions while it comes easier […]
3 Reasons Rubbing Your Eyes Is Bad
Our eyes are one of the most important parts of our body. They do so much for us and all we can do it take care of them the right way. As we get older, the effects of aging sadly start to show. That’s when we have to make sure we take extra care of […]
Aloe Vera Can Save Your Skin!
You‘ve probably heard about Aloe Vera being good for sunburns but did you know that it has multiple benefits for the skin? It is one of the most common remedies for kin conditions. This is because the gel like parts of it is known to heal the skin. Before you go out and get yourself […]
Road To Thicker Brows
When it comes to our eyebrows, we don’t play games. It’s very important to be bale to take care of them the right way. Our eyebrows help shape our face and bring out our best features. If they don’t look right it seems like our confidence has decreased. With that being said, one of the […]
What’s Causing Your Double Chin?
In many occasions you’ll hear people tell you to stand tall and keep your chin up. In other ones that can be hard when you think you have a double chin. In that case you want to make sure that people steer clear of anything that might attract their attention to you. Before we get […]
Can Working Out Cause Acne?
It’s not a secret that our skin is the largest organ that our body has. With that being said, it’s important that we take care of it as best as we can. That means making sure that we take part in the right skincare routines and even staying up till the early mornings reading about […]
The Protein Powder Diet
If you’ve been in the fitness world long enough, you’ve probably heard about protein powders. They are becoming more popular as the days go by because it’s said that they can really help make sure your muscles grow. The protein we ingest, whether it’s powdered or solid foods can have many good benefits for our […]
Selfies- The Culprit of Premature Ageing
These days, selfies are growing in popularity. If you’re one of those people that love to take selfies, or even pictures, we recommend you turn off your flash. Why? Well, there’s been a lot of question about whether the flashes from our phones could be playing a huge part in the wrinkles on our face. […]
The Sun’s Rays Effect on The Skin
Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It’s imperative that we take care of it the right way so that it can continue to protect us long-term. Our bodies were built to make good use of the sun. Therefore, our skin uses the sunlight to create Vitamin D, which is very important in […]